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Dating a Rich Older Woman

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It is not weird if you come across young boys wishing they could date their beautiful teacher. Almost every guy would have had the fantasy of being with an older woman.

Why? You might ask. Well, here’s the thing, for guys, they enjoy the thrill of being with someone that is accomplished or knows her bearing. Guys often want a woman that can take care of herself and that also has impeccable character.

Since the desire is common from such a young age, dating a rich older woman is not too far from their scope. Sadly, not many guys get to date a rich older lady.

A small number of guys eventually get to achieve their dream to date a rich older woman; the thoughts stay buried in the other boys’ heads as they settle with the love of their lives within their age bracket – which is a win also.

old woman with a rose smilingMost people do not pursue their intentions of dating a rich older woman because of the social-cultural boundary that seems to limit them.

Imagine a 24-year-old fresh graduate bringing home a 42-year-old woman as his girlfriend.

There would be some eyebrows raised at the sight of both of you together.

In Europe, Africa, and even America, the thought of you being with an older woman can breed many controversies. The first thing people will think about is that you are after her money.

The pursuit for money might be the case, but it is not what obtains most times. They say age is a mere number; some people have found love in the most unlikely places; a 38-year-old woman can find love in the arms of a 24-year-old guy.

Dating a rich older woman has to be done based on context. Why are you dating this woman? Do you love her? Are you after her money? Now, answering these questions puts you in a firm position to break through any social-cultural context.

Do you believe that people’s opinions can be changed based on how passionate you speak on the subject? They might disagree with what you are doing, but they might understand and accept that it makes you happy.

Dating a rich older woman comes with knowing what the relationship is for. On the other hand, the rich older woman might be looking for comfort in her loneliness; hence, dating could be her escape. Nevertheless, it often depends on what you wish to gain from the relationship.

Dating a Rich Older Woman

How Do You Get a Rich Girl to Fall in Love With You?

Which guy would not want his girlfriend to be super-rich? Think about the thrill in the relationship when your partner is financially capable of taking care of herself and even you. 

A dream come true, as some will say.

Whether she is young or old, getting a rich woman to fall in love with you is no easy task. You have to understand that the way these women would think will be different.

This is because they have loads of experience with dealing with all kinds of people. Have it at the back of your mind that the mere fact that the woman has the money makes her a popular person.

Here are three ways you can get a rich lady to fall in love with you,

Your Appearance

young handsome man looking in the mirrorRich women do not have time to get to know people before getting a shot at dating them.

You do not have the luxury of going on different dates before she agrees to date you. Understand that she is busy, and something captivating needs to catch her eye.

So, it would help if you stood out in your appearance. Dress in a way that exudes confidence, intelligence, and maturity.

There is nothing more appealing than a man that knows how to dress and comfort himself.

Know-How to Hold a Conversation

At this time, you already got her to notice you. What is next? This is where you establish a foothold on the next phase.

You need to be able to hold a conversation on virtually any subject. Be intriguing and sprinkle a little bit of mystery into your stories. Let the woman know that you do not just look and smell nice, but you know how to be attentive and converse.

Be Straightforward

It is quite understandable that you might want to exaggerate some things about yourself to match up to her standard.

There is no shame in that, but you have to be subtle with it. Do not lie to the point that you cannot measure up. Women, in general, hate lies. However, work your magic through your charm, wit, and personality. Let her enjoy your company.

Furthermore, you do not need to pay much attention to her money. That might sound counterintuitive since you want to attract a rich lady.

But many other guys would want to talk to her because of her money; therefore, being a different guy gives you an added advantage.

At the back of her mind, she feels you are only talking to her because she looks rich. Show her that there are more intriguing things to her life than the money she has.

How Do You Have an Older Woman in a Relationship?

man care about his woman by covering her with his jacket Having an older woman in a relationship takes a great deal of knowledge.

Why? The woman has more experienced than you. She would have dated more, and some of the guys would be, in some ways, similar to you.

So, how do you have an older woman in a relationship?

  • Firstly, please do not make a big fuss about her age. You mustn’t bring up her age when you both are together. There is no need to bring it up. You both know what exists, enjoy the flow and make memories.
  • Secondly, take control when it is needed. Yes! You are younger, but older women enjoy a man that can take charge and stand his ground.
  • Understand that you are in the driving seat because older women love younger men. Give her the respect that she deserves, but when it is time, take charge – not only with sex but normal affairs, do not hesitate to show who the man is in the relationship.
  • Finally, do not choke her. This is why you should have something going for yourself too, so you don’t need to feel the need to be too clingy. Show that you can be independent and give her space to do what she needs to do. Plus, you have to be mature around her since children, business, and other matters can come in at any time.

Bottom Line

In getting a rich older woman, do not go after the money but to show genuine interest in the woman. Be spontaneous; she would have seen many tricks, show her there is still more to be explored in every relationship area.

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